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High Holiday Reservations 5785/2024

Members: Please login prior to making your reservation so your account will be updated automatically.
Please note:

High Holiday Seating Early Bird Special ends Sunday, September 22nd at 11:59 p.m.  The seating reservation form and details are below.

The indoor services will utilize both the Litoff Sanctuary and the Glazer Social Hall to accommodate our increasing Ohev membership. Extra Shofar Blowing will occur throughout the two days of Rosh Hashanah for all those not in attendance at shul. 

Scheduling will follow as we get closer to the date. 

Please note: We can only assign seats to those accounts which are current. For billing questions please contact Mrs. Benami at for financial accomodiations please contact Larry Shafron at

We have been blessed with many new families who have moved into our community this past year!   To accommodate everyone, we are offering the following seating options:

  1. Priority in High Holiday seating will be given first to paid members. Out of town guests of paid members will be treated as paid members for seating priority purposes.
  2. Non-members will be assigned seats as they are available, only after paid members have been assigned their seating. 
  3. We encourage all attendees to become members. Click here to access the Membership Form. Priority seating is one benefit; a second benefit is a 50% seating discount for paid members. Membership dues are essential to enable us to pay our staff, our electrical, water/utility bills, janitorial costs, security guards, and maintenance costs.
  4. All those who have moved here since November 2023 and have signed up as members will receive two High Holiday seats for FREE for their first year!
  5. Membership fees are pro-rated for 2024 and can be divided into automatic monthly payments.
Please know that we cannot guarantee any special seat requests.  We are doing our best to ensure that everyone who desires a seat will get one, and obtaining Membership status will be helpful in that regard. Please take a moment to make your seating reservation using this form so that we can plan accordingly.

High Holiday Seat Reservations
Seat Pricing:
Status Early Bird
(Through 9/22)
(After 9/22)
Adult $200 $250
*Child $120 $150
Associate Members:    
Adult $300 $350
*Child $150 $180
Adult $400 $500
*Child $150 $180

* For the purposes of the High Holiday seat reservation fee, a Child is someone age 17 years and under.
   Member (adult family member and visiting out of town family/friends)
   Member's Child
   Associate Member
   Associate Member's Child
   Non-member's Child
   NEW Member (member as of November 2023 or later)
   NEW Member's Child (member as of November 2023 or later)

Seat Information

Please enter all information for each individual who will be attending services. Click on the + sign to add additional High Holiday registrants. 
For adult participant, leave age at 0.

We are pleased to offer childcare for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Parent(s) must have a paid seat for the High Holidays, and must be in the building at all times during childcare.

Ages: Three through Bar/Bas Mitzvah.
Cost: $20 per child per day with a maximum of $60 per family per day.
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Managed by: Zandy Berkson and Marcy Rhoads

Volunteers who help with childcare are eligible for complimentary childcare for their children and also for complimentary High Holiday Seating. For details and eligibility, please contact Marcy Rhoads.

You may sign up for childcare below.

Please enter the total number of children for each day and then click on the + sign to add their details. 
   Rosh Hashana Day 1
   Rosh Hashana Day 2
   Yom Kippur
Does your child have any allergens we should be aware of?
I would like to sponsor the following High Holiday seat(s):
   Member (adult family member and visiting out of town family/friends)
   Member's Child
   Associate Member
   Associate Member's Child
   Non-member's Child

Yom Kippur Appeal
Once again, the Shul will be making an appeal during the Yom Kippur service. We are counting on the continued generous support of our members. If you would like to offer your pledge in advance, you may enter it here. Thank you for your generosity.
Your reservation will be complete once your payment has been submitted and processed.
For any questions please contact Mrs. Benami at
For financial accomodations please contact Larry Shafron at

Click on Submit, below, to see payment options.
Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784